Display coordinates & FPS
Display hover text
Update hit boxes
Print server information
Censor text chat
Disable text chat
Auto Fullscreen
Mouse Sensitivity
Enable Mobile Controls
Invert Y
Controller Sensitivity
Controller Deadzone
Display zone lines
Display object edges
Enable particles
Enable grass
Enable shadows
Enable karma auras
Enable Fog
Show client player
Smooth walking
Hardware Scale
Field of View
Play music
Play SFX
Play voice chat
Player Volumes:
Morterra is an online survival game set at the dawn of man. You awake with absolutely nothing and must find food, water, and protection from others. You will need tools to build a base to protect yourself, armors to defend against attacks, and weapons to fight back. You will eventually grow tired and need to sleep. However, while you sleep you are still vulnerable to attacks, so you must build adequate protection for yourself to survive the night.